©2009 Nail It Publishing
These are not normal times. Ask the average passerby if "something strange" is going on in the world, and the answer will almost always be "yes." But what?
There will be a thousand answers, many of them conflicting, several speculating, often adding more confusion to the growing fear and despair beginning to grip a planet reeling from economic collapse, terrorism, and the upheaval of nature. Could there be a clear answer?
Mark Mallett unfolds a stunning picture of our times built not upon flimsy arguments or questionable prophecies, but the solid words of the Church Fathers, modern Popes, and approved apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The end result is unequivocal: we are facing The Final Confrontation.
The Final Confrontation is a gift of grace to the Church.
—Michael D. O’Brien, author of Father Elijah
Mark Mallett has written a must-read book, an indispensable vademecum for the decisive times ahead, and a well-researched survival guide to the challenges looming over the Church, our nation, and the world...
The Final Confrontation will prepare the reader, as no other work I have read, to face the times before us with courage, light, and grace—confident that the battle—and especially this ultimate battle—belongs to the Lord.
—Fr. Joseph Langford, MC, Co-founder, Missionaries of Charity Fathers
Author of Mother Teresa: In the Shadow of Our Lady,
and Mother Teresa’s Secret Fire (OSV Press)
In these days of tumult and treachery, Christ’s reminder to be
watchful reverberates powerfully in the hearts
of those who love Him...
This important new book by Mark Mallett can help you watch and pray
ever more intently as unsettling events unfold.
It is a potent reminder that,
however dark and difficult things may get,
“He Who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
—Patrick Madrid, author of Search and Rescue and Pope Fiction
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Posted by Jim McFadden on 28th Apr 2016
Thank you mark for your ministry. There is noone like you. Your book is essential reading, for Catholic christians especially, but for all those seeking to make meaning and sense of our times. Eternity is pressing closer, the veil is being lifted. Mark's book distills heaven's call to souls over the centuries, to repent and prepare the way of the Lord, for the days are oh so short... A new era awaits, are you ready...?
Posted by Marguerite Hurst on 20th Apr 2016
Cannot put this book down. It is beautifully written. I would highly recommend this book to my friends.
Well done. When can we expect the next book?
Posted by Unknown on 29th Aug 2015
I see this book as a guide/manual. The closest work that it reminds me of is the little book by Yves Dupont titled Catholic Prophecy The Coming Chastisement. Mr. Dupont quoted prophecies from saints, blesseds and other holy men and women. There are some differences... However, by staying close to the Magisterium, the book is on firm footing.
Posted by Paula Johnson on 19th Jun 2015
I have enjoyed Mark's blog over the years and his videos, so I was glad to finally purchase and read one of his books. The research he did to put everything in perspective I really appreciated. His basic background of trust in God kept any sense of fear in the upcoming trials and crisis in the Church from forming. These observations I have noted from many of his sources and I appreciated the drawing of them all together to make a full picture. As always, the quotes from our Popes and Early Fathers bring a sense of truth and the Holy Spirit's guidance to the Church, yet the mystery always remains.
Posted by Mercy Agraz on 3rd May 2015
I highly recommend this book. I couldn't put it down. It answered and shed light in the questions and confusion I had about the end times. I love the way he backs it up with authoritative sources. Mark Mallett's writings have helped me increase my prayer life for the salvation of souls and find refuge in the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Thank you, Mark. God bless you and your family.
Posted by Unknown on 2nd Mar 2015
This is the best book I have read about the "the end times". I look forward to more thoughtful writings by Mark.
Posted by Unknown on 29th Jan 2015
This is a great summary of Catholic Tradition relating to the end times--very helpful! I will certainly recommend the book to others.
Posted by Susan Stricker on 16th Nov 2014
Where there is so much confusion and misinformation around today I found this book is truly a light in the darkness, and I would go so far as to say it's a book to be prayed rather than simply read. It breaks open and makes accessible the teachings of the Church. I finished the book with a real sense of hope and reassurance. Thank you Mark.
Posted by Unknown on 6th Nov 2014
I totally enjoyed reading this book. Very informative and answers a
lot of questions I had - and very thought provoking and answered questions ! hadn't even thought about!!!
A definite must read !
Posted by Unknown on 28th Aug 2014
This book was interesting and very informative. It filled in the blanks concerning our times and the confusing world we currently live in.
Posted by Stephen on 9th Feb 2014
As seems always to be the case with Mark, he has written a thoughtful book that flows in the reading. The only problem I am left with is that I received the impression early on that this book was meant to be the first of two or three on the subject, but I haven't seen any evidence of more books to come in this vein. I mean this as a compliment. Thoughtful, caring surveys of the situation we find ourselves in are always welcome on my reading list. My thanks to Mark for all of his writings, which I have found quite helpful in many ways.
Posted by Unknown on 2nd Jan 2014
I always liked the writings of Mark Mallett. He's an exceptional writer and this book is extension of all his writings. It makes sense and you see the world happenings around you more clearly. Great read!
Posted by Yvonne Robichaud on 1st Jan 2014
I'd read a friend's copy of The Final Confrontation two summers in a row. Happy to have my own copy at last. It truly is a grace to have found this book. Highly recommended reading to all and a real gift for our time. Thank-you Mark. Well done!
Posted by C on 10th Jul 2013
It is a serious book, yet thoroughly positive. It relies on authoritative sources, not just one man's opinion. While making sense of all the crazy things happening in the world today, it will draw you personally into the equation.
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