©2007 Nail It Publishing
An incredibly powerful tool to contemplate the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus, this entirely unique devotional CD features:
Posted by JR on 12th Jan 2021
Have several, but Mark's is the BEST by far. Combining it with meditations on the Stations of the Cross does so much more for the soul. Just ordered 2 more to give as gifts. Have another two (one for home and one for travel). Especially for what we are all going throuigh and the coming Lenten Season. Gives me peace of heart and graces to face whatever God sends my way. SO GLAD you restocked them. This is the only place I can find them. Takes longer from Canada to the USA but so glad that they are available. GOD BLESS (us all).
Posted by Cheryl W. on 3rd May 2020
Bought two of these CDs, one to keep and one for a gift to a friend. What a special devotion this is...particularly during this past Lenten season. Thank you, Mark and Father Calloway for making this such a powerful and spiritual prayer! You can tell the Lord was guiding you and it's much appreciated that you share your talents. You're gifted and very blessed!
(My friend loves it as much as my husband and I do.)
Posted by Lucille Paplawski on 24th Mar 2020
Hi Mark, thank you so much for this beautiful CD - truly a work of heaven! And such graces to join with Fr. Calloway! It opens the heart and lifts one's soul! So very much appreciated! May God continue to guide and protect you!
Posted by David Schrank on 4th Dec 2017
It is a wonderful way to pray
Posted by Tadgh on 26th Apr 2017
So moving!
Posted by Michael & Susan Miller on 27th Mar 2017
As a trained musician I am absolutely amazed at the musicianship of this effort by Mark Mallett. The production is top-notch, the orchestration is highly thoughtful, harmonies uplifting and complex, compositions are highly skilled.
As a devout and re-converted Catholic, I am so grateful that we have this gift to help reach a state of deep prayer, in a quality form worthy of all God's tremendous Mercy to us.
As an evangelist, I have purchased several of these CD's for others, and will continue to do so.
Thank you to all involved in producing this excellent musical and prayerful masterpiece!!
Posted by Mary on 3rd Jan 2017
This is currently my favorite Divine Mercy Chaplet. It's a beautiful CD with song and meditation. Makes praying and reparations easier because it draws you close to Our Lord and right into His Passion & Resurrection. Thank you Holy Spirit for inspiring Mark and his family!
Posted by Angie Steciw on 2nd Jun 2016
This cd is a great alternate prayer than the usual Divine Mercy. Great to listen to while traveling.
Posted by Cherie on 29th Feb 2016
I have been using the Divine Mercy Chaplet as part of my daily prayer life...It has especially been useful during my Lenten practices...I am able to reflect on the stations of the cross so much more prayerfully than without this cd. The background sounds actually put me in the Way of the Cross. This cd takes over as I begin each day. I will be purchasing more for gifts. Especially meaningful during this Year of Mercy.
Posted by Deon on 13th Feb 2016
This CD leads us in the Chaplet of Divine Mercy while meditating on the Stations of the Cross. Mark Mallett helps us enter into the mystery of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection. I highly recommend getting this CD!
Posted by Elizabeth on 20th Jan 2016
The sound effects and voices depicting the passion narrative are awesome - mentally putting you in the scenes of Our Lord's passion and crucifixion. The prayers led by Father Donald Calloway are done slowly and reverently. You get a sense of the sacred listening to Father Calloway's gentle and angelic voice praying. You can tell Father is praying from his heart! Mark Mallett's songs all sound beautiful; using tunes and melodies of contemporary music to make these devotions appealing to our younger generation! I highly recommend this wonderful CD for contemplating Our Lord's passion and praying along the Divine Mercy. Speaking for myself, I must say I feel the Presence of the Lord in this CD production! Everybody (young and old) who listens to this Divine Mercy CD (and Stations of the Cross) will definitely be moved to pray it again, and again - regularly, everyday - because it will always sound good! This is my second time buying the CD. I am keeping one for my devotions and I've given away the other. So, hesitate no more. Purchase it now. You'll be glad you did!
Posted by Andrea on 12th Nov 2015
Can't wait to use during our Divine Mercy cenacle and to order more for Christmas gifts!
Posted by Unknown on 16th Apr 2015
Very Beautifully designed and orchestrated!
Posted by Maria Sylvia Diaz on 13th Feb 2015
My soul and my heart are blessed every time I Iisten to this CD! God is good!
Posted by dorothy on 13th Nov 2014
It is truly a very moving and grand way of praying. For me distractions are my battles so praying with this amazing meditation and beautiful music in the background is very special. Mark's music is so gentle and yet powerful, I thank God for his ministry and beautiful voice!!!
Keep creating music Mark, it is spiritually healing...
thank you
Posted by Sue Koeller on 12th May 2014
I absolutely love the Chaplet combined with The Stations of the Cross. It brought more and deeper meaning….I will be sharing it with my next rosary group!
Posted by Unknown on 26th Nov 2013
Makes driving to and from work, relaxing, meditative, joyful.
The sound effects are really good…love to open my windows at the 13th decade and turn up the volume..especially on sunny days.
Thank you Mark